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Semen morphology is the best detector of disturbances in spermatogenesis and is therefore one of the most important indicators of male fertility in all species.


Conducting a morphological examination involves the detailed microscopic analysis of the shape, size and structure of the sperm in the ejaculate, as well as cytological assessment of additional cells. In conjunction with motility and numerical assessments, morphology analysis allows breeding recommendations to be made at both the individual and herd level.


VRC provides morphological services for all species including bull, boar, stallion and ram semen. Please note that we are not a UQSMSP accredited morphologist.

Sample Handling


Samples are diluted in 10% phosphate buffered formal saline.


Sample vials can be ordered by clicking here.


Alternatively, buffered saline + sperm sample can be placed in an empty specimen tube.


For 1ml buffered saline, please add:

2 drops semen (concentrated samples)

3 drops semen (dilute/milky samples)


Specimen Submission


Got your samples?


CLICK HERE or scroll down to complete the submission form online. Once completed, post samples to:


Veterinary Reproduction Consultancy

296 Lords Place

Orange NSW 2800


Upon arrival, analysis will be completed within 4 working days and a detailed report provided.

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