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Registered Specialists in Animal Reproduction
+61 2 6301 9550

As the only Registered Specialist in veterinary reproduction providing canine services in NSW we offer the highest standard of breeding & reproduction services available.
Bringing skills and knowledge gained from working overseas alongside the best theriogenologists in the world, you can be certain our breeding services will be personalised for each individual case and backed by proven scientific knowledge and expert skills.
We offer all canine breeding services including frozen semen insemination (via TCI), semen collection, freezing and storage. Please click on a heading below to find out more about each service provided.
For more information and to proceed with arranging these services please contact us here!

Transcervical Insemination (TCI) with frozen, fresh and chilled semen
When to breed your dog - Ovulation timing
Semen collection and assessment
Semen freezing
Storage of frozen semen
Recovery of epididymal sperm
Infertility & Breeding soundness examinations (BSE)
Vaginal Insemination with Fresh and Chilled Semen
Reproductive tract Imaging
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